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New Mama Workout Advice


Sara Haley - Sara Haley Fitness

The process of becoming a new mom requires figuring out how to take care of a new baby, establish a new routine and still do the things you want or need to. With too much to do and only 24 hours in a day, working out at home is much easier than trying to go to a gym. After I had my first son, my go-to home exercise tool became the UltraSlide Slideboard; it allows me to work my entire body effectively in just a matter of minutes (while the baby is sleeping or preoccupied for a few moments which is more than enough to break a sweat). With baby #2, I’ve even found a way to entertain him while sliding back and forth on the Ultraslide. Because of the cardio and core conditioning benefits of the Ultraslide, it’s become not only a time saver, but a great postnatal bounce-back tool. It’s low-impact and easy choreography, which allows me to focus on using and strengthening my pelvic floor while I enjoy the fun

movements on the sideboard.

-Sara Haley


Sara has an abundance of workouts that pertain to both new moms and UltraSlide slideboard users shop here for Sara's video galleries or here for Sara's UltraSlide workouts.

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