#TryThisTuesday Slideboard Circuit
Ready for #TryThisTuesday? Here we go! Summer is coming, so it's time to push a little harder. Do you use your UltraSlide Slideboard as...
Why People Love the UltraSlide Octagon
Never heard of the UltraSlide Octagon? You’re in luck! Check out the Octagon in use, and you will not only learn about it, but you’ll...
Mother's Day
A mother is like a superhero - always looking out for everyone else on a limited amount of time. Make sure one of the most special women...
Earth Week 2015
As Earth Week comes to an end, we would like to tell you a little bit about Varisport, Inc. and the people who are a part of the...
UltraSlide Functional Training Workshop 2015
UltraSlide is very excited to be offering a Functional Training Workshop on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Instructors, trainers, and fitness...
Try This Tuesday: Curtsy Lunges
Sara Haley - Sara Haley Fitness It's time to challenge yourself again. Curtsy lunges on your UltraSlide Slideboard aren't just for the...
New Mama Workout Advice
Sara Haley - Sara Haley Fitness The process of becoming a new mom requires figuring out how to take care of a new baby, establish a new...
UltraSlide Octagon
Jim Jalove and Kimberly Shah It's been statistically proven that working out/training with the company of another person, whether it's a...
Fitness Friday: Cross-Training
Kimberly Shah - Kimberly Shah Fitness Cross-training can benefit anyone who is a participant in fitness or cardio-enduced sports -...
Try This Tuesday: Scissors
CPT Stephanie Colburn Train like a triathlete with this Scissors workout on your slideboard. Scissors work to strengthen the muscles in...