#TryThisTuesday Slideboard Circuit
Ready for #TryThisTuesday? Here we go! Summer is coming, so it's time to push a little harder. Do you use your UltraSlide Slideboard as...
Try This Tuesday: Curtsy Lunges
Sara Haley - Sara Haley Fitness It's time to challenge yourself again. Curtsy lunges on your UltraSlide Slideboard aren't just for the...
#TryThisTuesday: Pikes
Sara Haley - Sara Haley Fitness Working on your core? Pikes are one of the best ab exercises that you can do. Ready? Form a standard...
UltraSlide Slideboard: Try This Tuesday
Sometimes the lack of movement can be just as important as how much or how fast you move. Planks are a prime example of full body toning...